Friday 7 October 2011

That Friday Feeling

Hi Everyone

I am tired tonight.  I think I pack too much into a day - but then, I get restless if I don't have enough to do.  It was Toddler's day off from play school today.  We met one of my friends for a stroll around some scenic gardens and a chat.  Toddler dominated the conversation, of course, as he so often does.  He has so much energy - he reminded me today of the midwife who told me to expend my energy pushing, not shouting, when Second Daughter was being born.  She had a point. 

Likewise I feel that Toddler would be capable of literally anything - his strength is apparent in his wonderful voice.  Constantly.  I think he could even be an Olympic athlete one day - although, drat, he already has bunions; hard to believe on one so young, but his second toes already overlap the big ones, just as mine have always done. I will try to get it sorted with Orthotics as soon as he is old enough, but would never put his

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